Along with my modern digital cameras I also have the wonderful Mamiya RZ67 medium format film camera which has been referred to as the greatest portrait camera ever made. Not wanting to confirm or dispute this claim I can confirm that the images created with the RZ67 are indeed special. Using this camera has improved my attention to detail when shooting mainly down to the fact that a roll of 120 film yields a mere 10 exposures. So making the right decisions about when and what I shoot are more important than when I shoot with a digital camera.
I do offer film shoots for my clients, yes it may cost a little more than usual but there is a unique and special look which film gives of which you can only attempt to replicate in the digital domain. Of course if you cannot see the difference then I guess its not for you but take a look for yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Mamiya RZ67 was originally released in 1982 followed by the Pro II version in 1995. An extremely popular camera among professionals at the time, it consists of the camera body itself, film back, waist level view finder and of course lens. Options included a prism finder which not only allowed for eye level shooting but featured the ability to provide auto exposure information which was quite a feat at the time. The standard kit lens was a 110mm f2.8 Sekor lens which in 35mm terms equates to a 57mm focal length.
Did you know the famous Microsoft Windows desktop picture "Bliss" was taken by Charles O'Rear using his Mamiya RZ67?

The Pentax 645N was used to take the image below with a roll of Kodak Portra expired film. I definitely see the effect that an expired film stock has over one thats not. I personally do not favour expired film but having said that the image still possesses that film magic.

The Pentax 645N is a fully automatic film camera and a joy to use.

Black and white film never goes out of fashion!